RICS Level 3 Building Survey
About the RICS Level 3 Building Survey
Essential for larger or older properties, or if you’re planning major works. Formerly known as a ‘Structural Survey’ this report option is the most comprehensive report and provides you with an in-depth analysis of the property’s condition, including advice on defects, repairs and maintenance options.
Key Features
Describes the construction and condition of the property on the date of inspection
Aims to identify any problems that need urgent attention or are serious
Aims to identify things that need to be investigated further to prevent serious damage
Aims to tell about problems that may be dangerous
Aim to show up potential issues and defects, before any transaction takes place
Aims to help you decide whether you need extra advice before committing to a purchase
Aims to enable you to budget for any repairs or restoration
Aims to advise you on the amount of ongoing maintenance required in the future
Aims to establish how the property is built, what materials are used and how these will perform in the future
Aims to describe physical defects, plus exposing potential problems posed by hidden defects
Aims to outline the repair options and give you a repair timeline, whilst explaining the consequence of not acting
Provides specific comments on energy efficiency
Where practical and agreed as a separate service, provides a reinstatement cost to help you avoid under or over-insurance
Where practical and agreed as a separate service, provides a market valuation if requested
Suitable For What Type Of Property?
This is a comprehensive report designed for larger, older, or unique properties and those in obvious disrepair.
This service includes a diagnosis of defects, detailed advice on repairs and maintenance, a full description of the condition and construction of each element of the property and a section on energy efficiency, together with an overall assessment, including an overall opinion and a summary of condition ratings, repairs and suggested further investigations.
This survey offers an extensive inspection of the property condition and gives detailed information about the structure and fabric of the property. It includes a description of visible defects and potential problems caused by hidden flaws and an outline of repair options.
A Building Survey, as a rule, does not include a valuation as standard, but, the surveyor will be able to provide this as a separate service alongside the survey report. (Please also refer to Property Valuations).
Other RICS Surveys
RICS Home Survey Report
This service applies to houses, bungalows and flats that are conventional in type and construction and in reasonable condition. The service is designed for lay clients who are seeking a cost effective professional opinion.
Heritage Surveys
Buildings are listed to help protect the physical evidence of our past, including buildings which are valued and protected as a central part of our cultural heritage and our sense of identity.
Drone Roof Surveys
The use of a remotely controlled drone means Carpenter Surveyors can provide our clients with UHD, 4K, video survey footage of their buildings and roofs that would otherwise be difficult to inspect.