Heritage Surveys
Supporting your Heritage Property
A detailed report is one of the most valuable tools you can have when buying a Listed Building. It is essential to understand a building's condition and any repairs that need to be made.
Carpenters Heritage Division specialises in the inspection and survey of historic houses. It is staffed by surveyors who have considerable experience in surveying a broad range of historic properties.
Acquiring a historic house is for most people a rewarding and happy experience. For some people, however, the experience can be quite the opposite.
Whilst people wish to own a historic house for the right reasons, there are many pitfalls and potential problems which can turn those wishes into a costly mistake.
The most common reason for things going wrong, as is often the case, is simply a lack of knowledge.
Buying a historic house means you have, to accept the increased risks and long-term financial demands of such a property. In addition, if your house is a Listed Building, or in a Conservation Area, you have to accept the legal obligations which apply to your house, and to you personally.
At Carpenter Surveyors, we believe that it is essential to provide purchasers with all the necessary information they need so they can decide whether, or not their chosen property is the right property to buy. Assessing the condition of the property is only part of this process. Potentially expensive or problematic repairs or replacements need to be identified in addition to costly maintenance items.
Other factors to consider
When a property is Listed, or in a Conservation Area, the owner has to accept serious legal obligations in respect of the property. These obligations can result in substantially increased costs for various repairs and replacements. In addition, a new owner can be required to put, right, at their own cost, any previous unauthorised alterations. It is essential, therefore, that any such financial liabilities are identified prior to purchase.
Given the specific issues relating to historic properties, we consider the standard RICS Building Survey does not provide a satisfactory format for providing the scope and quality of information which is required for you to make an informed decision. Accordingly, we have developed our unique Heritage Building Survey which is specifically designed for historic buildings.
We believe this is more informative, relevant and helpful than any other report formats which are currently available.
Our service does not end when we issue a report. Not only we will discuss your requirements and concerns before we accept your instruction, but we will also, discuss the contents of the report with you after you have had time to digest it. We will also readily provide informal advice if you need some guidance along the way.
Please feel free to contact us any time for an informal chat - we will be happy to answer any questions you may have and provide any more information you may require.